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If the site has at least one cloud service,\nit may also contain VM images and cloud execution templates.", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Inforation System Identifier" }, "pkey": { "type": "string", "description": "GocDB Site identifier (SitePKey@gocdb)" }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Site name (SiteName@gocdb)" }, "shortName": { "type": "string", "description": "Short version of site name (SiteShortName@gocdb)" }, "officialName": { "type": "string", "description": "Official name of site (SiteOfficialName@gocdb)" }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Description of site (SiteDescription@gocdb)" }, "gocdbPortalUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "Site URL in gocDB portal (SiteGocdbPortalUrl@gpcdb)" }, "homeUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "Site home URL (SiteHomeUrl@gocdb)" }, "giisUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "Site GIIS URL (SiteGiisUrl@gocdb)" }, "countryCode": { "type": "string", "description": 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domain name (SiteDomainname@gocdb)" }, "serviceStatuses": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceStatus" }, "graphQLType": "SiteServiceStatus", "description": "Operational status of services of the current site reported by the argo.egi.eu service" }, "serviceDowntimes": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceDowntime" }, "graphQLType": "SiteServiceDowntime", "description": "Scheduled/Unscheduled downtimes of the services of the current site registered at the gocdb.egi.eu service" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "cloudComputingServices": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Collection", "description": "A collection of services provided by this site" }, "cloudComputingEndpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection", "description": "A collection of service endpoints provided by this site" }, "cloudDashboardEndpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudDashboardEndpoint_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudDashboardEndpoint_Collection", "description": "A collection of dashboard endpoints provided by this site" }, "cloudComputingImages": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "description": "A collection of cloud computing images provided by the services of this site" }, "cloudComputingTemplates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "description": "A collection of cloud computing templates provided by the services of this site" }, "cloudComputingManagers": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection", "description": "A collection of cloud computing managers provided by the services of this site" }, "cloudComputingShares": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection", "description": "A collection of cloud computing shares supported by the services of this site" } } }, "#/components/schemas/Site_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "Site filtering options to help query the site collection", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System Identifier" }, "pkey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "GocDB Site identifier" }, "name": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site name" }, "shortName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Short version of site name" }, "officialName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Official name of site" }, "description": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Description of site" }, "gocdbPortalUrl": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site URL in gocDB portal" }, "homeUrl": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site home URL" }, "giisUrl": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site GIIS URL" }, "countryCode": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site country code" }, "country": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site country name" }, "tier": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site tier" }, "subgrid": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site sub grid" }, "roc": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site ROC" }, "prodInfrastructure": { "graphQLType": "SiteInfrastructureState", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteInfrastructureState", "description": "Site in production value" }, "certStatus": { "graphQLType": "SiteCertificationStatus", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCertificationStatus", "description": "Certification status of site" }, "timezone": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site timezone" }, "latitude": { "graphQLType": "FilterFloatOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterFloatOperators", "description": "Site physical latitude location coordinates" }, "longitude": { "graphQLType": "FilterFloatOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterFloatOperators", "description": "Site physical longitude location coordinates" }, "domainName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site domain name" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "serviceStatuses": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceStatus_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceStatus_Filter", "description": "Filter by site service status" }, "serviceDowntimes": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceDowntime_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceDowntime_Filter", "description": "Filter by site service downtimes" }, "cloudComputingServices": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "description": "Filter by site's clooud computing service value" }, "cloudComputingEndpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "description": "Filter by site's cloud computing endpoint value" }, "cloudDashboardEndpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudDashboardEndpoint_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudDashboardEndpoint_Filter", "description": "Filter by site's cloud dashboard endpoint value" }, "cloudComputingImages": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint image value" }, "cloudComputingTemplates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint template value" }, "cloudComputingShares": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint shares value" }, "cloudComputingManagers": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint manager value" }, "withImageCount": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint images count" }, "withTemplateCount": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint templates count" }, "withServiceCount": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint services count" }, "withShareCount": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint shares count" }, "withManagerCount": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint managers count" } } }, "#/components/schemas/Site_Sort": { "type": "enum", "description": "Sorting options for Site collection results", "enum": [ "id_asc", "id_desc" ] }, "#/components/schemas/Site_Collection": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "totalCount": { "type": "integer" }, "count": { "type": "integer" }, "limit": { "type": "integer" }, "skip": { "type": "integer" }, "sort": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site_Sort" }, "graphQLType": "Site_Sort" }, "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site" }, "graphQLType": "Site" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpointLocation": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint physical location ID (GLUE2LocationID)" }, "longitude": { "type": "number", "format": "float", "description": "Endpoint physical location longtitide (GLUE2LocationLongitude)" }, "latitude": { "type": "number", "format": "float", "description": "Endpoint physical location latitude (GLUE2LocationLatitude)" }, "country": { "type": "string", "description": "Country where the endpoint is located (GLUE2LocationCountry)" }, "countryCode": { "type": "string", "description": "Code of country where the endpoint is located GLUE2LocationCountryCode" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpointLocation_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint physical location ID" }, "longitude": { "graphQLType": "FilterFloatOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterFloatOperators", "description": "Endpoint physical location longitude" }, "latitude": { "graphQLType": "FilterFloatOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterFloatOperators", "description": "Endpoint physical location latitude" }, "country": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Country of endpoint location" }, "countrCode": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Country code of endpoint location" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint": { "type": "object", "description": "Represents a service provided by a Site in the information system\nServices may contain one or more VM image references and execution templates.", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Information System Identifier" }, "endpointPKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint primary key (GocDB pkey)" }, "isInProduction": { "type": "boolean", "description": "The endpoint is registered as a production instance (SiteEndpointInProduction@gocdb)" }, "beta": { "type": "boolean", "description": "The endpoint is in beta stage (SiteEndpointBeta@gocdb)" }, "gocPortalUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "The gocdb portal URL of the endpoint (SiteEndpointGocPortalUrl@gocdb" }, "gocEndpointUrl": { "type": "string", "description": "Site service endpoint url as provided by gocdb (SiteEndpointUrl@goc)" }, "endpointServiceType": { "type": "string", "description": "Indicates the type of site service. Eg cloud computing etc (SiteEndpointServiceType@local)" }, "endpointURL": { "type": "string", "description": "Network location of an endpoint,which enables a specific component of the Service to be contacted. (GLUE2EndpointURL or SiteEndpointUrl@gocdb)" }, "endpointID": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint's global unique ID (GLUE2EndpointID)" }, "endpointInterfaceName": { "type": "string", "description": "The identification name of the primary protocol supported by the endpoint interface, eg eu.egi.cloud.vm-management.occi, org.openstack.nova etc (GLUE2EndpointInterfaceName)" }, "endpointInterfaceVersion": { "type": "string", "description": "The version of the primary interface protocol (free format). [0..*] (GLUE2EndpointInterfaceVersion)" }, "endpointTechnology": { "type": "string", "description": "The technology used to implement the endpoint interface. [0..1] (GLUE2EndpointTechnology)" }, "endpointQualityLevel": { "type": "string", "description": "The maturity of the endpoint in terms of the quality of the software components which implement it. (GLUE2EndpointQualityLevel)" }, "endpointCapabilities": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "The provided capability according to the OGSA architecture classification. [*] (GLUE2EndpointCapability)" }, "endpointServingState": { "type": "string", "description": "A state specifying whether the endpoint is currently accepting new requests, and whether it is currently servicing requests which have already been accepted.(GLUE2EndpointServingState)" }, "endpointHealthState": { "type": "string", "description": "A state representing the current health of the Endpoint in terms of its ability to properly deliver the expected functionality. (GLUE2EndpointHealthState)" }, "endpointImplementor": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the main organization implementing this software component (free format, but the chosen names SHOULD be clearly identifiable with the organisation). [0..1] (GLUE2EndpointImplementor)" }, "endpointImplementationName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the implementation (as defined by the Implementor). [0..1] (GLUE2EndpointImplementationName)" }, "endpointImplementationVersion": { "type": "string", "description": "The version of the implementation (the syntax is defined by the Implementor, but MAY be: major.minor.patch). [0..1] (GLUE2EndpointImplementationVersion)" }, "endpointDowntimeInfo": { "type": "string", "description": "Downtime generic information (GLUE2EndpointDowntimeInfo)" }, "endpointSemantics": { "type": "string", "description": "Semantics generic information (GLUE2EndpointSemantics)" }, "endpointAuthentication": { "type": "string", "description": "Authentication type (GLUE2EndpointAuthentication)" }, "endpointIssuerCA": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint CA issuer (GLUE2EndpointIssuerCA)" }, "endpointTrustedCA": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "List of trusted CAs (GLUE2EndpointTrustedCA)" }, "location": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpointLocation", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpointLocation", "description": "Physical location of the site hosting the cloud computing endpoint" }, "entityName": { "type": "string", "description": "Entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "type": "string", "description": "Timestamp describing when the entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "type": "string", "description": "The duration after CreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant. After that period has elapsed, the information SHOULD NOT be considered relevant" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo). Free-form string, comma-separated tags, (name,value) pair are all examples of valid syntax" }, "imageList": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage", "description": "Raw list of all images the service endpoint provides (no filtering or paging)" }, "numberOfImages": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total count of images this service endpoint provides (@local)" }, "templateList": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate", "description": "Raw list of all templates the service endpoint provides (no filtering or paging)" }, "numberOfTemplates": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total count of templates this service endpoint provides (@local)" }, "managerList": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager", "description": "Raw list of all managers the service endpoint provides (no filtering or paging)" }, "numberOfManagers": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total count of managers this service endpoint provides (@local)" }, "shareList": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare", "description": "Raw list of all shares the service endpoint provides (no filtering or paging)" }, "numberOfShares": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total count of shares this cloud computing endpoint provides (@local)" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site", "description": "Site that the current cloud computing endpoint belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService", "description": "Cloud computing service of the cloud computing endpoint" }, "serviceDowntimes": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceDowntime" }, "graphQLType": "SiteServiceDowntime", "description": "Registered downtimes in GocDB system regarding the cloud computing endpoint" }, "serviceStatus": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceStatus", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceStatus", "description": "Operational status regarding the current cloud computing endpoint as reported by the argo.egi.eu service" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "description": "A collection of VM images provided by the cloud computing endpoint" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "description": "A collection of templates provided by the computing endpoint" }, "shares": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection", "description": "A collection of shares of the cloud computing endpoint" }, "managers": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection", "description": "A collection of managers of the cloud computing endpoint" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "Filtering by Site Service", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System Identifier" }, "endpointPKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint primary key (GocDB pkey)" }, "isInProduction": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Endpoint in production value" }, "beta": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Endpoint in beta value" }, "gocPortalUrl": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "The gocdb portal URL of the endpoint" }, "gocEndpointUrl": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Site cloud computing endpoint url as provided by gocdb" }, "endpointServiceType": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint service type" }, "endpointURL": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Network location of an endpoint" }, "endpointID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint's global unique ID" }, "endpointInterfaceName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint interface primary protocol" }, "endpointInterfaceVersion": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint interface protocol version" }, "endpointTechnology": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Technology implementing the endpoint interface" }, "endpointQualityLevel": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Quality maturity of the endpoint" }, "endpointCapabilities": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Provided OSGA capability" }, "endpointServingState": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint service state" }, "endpointHealthState": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint current health state" }, "endpointImplementor": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint software implementor name" }, "endpointImplementationName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint software implementation name" }, "endpointImplementationVersion": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint software implementation version" }, "endpointDowntimeInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Downtime generic information" }, "endpointSemantics": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Semantics generic information" }, "endpointAuthentication": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Authentication type" }, "endpointIssuerCA": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint CA issuer" }, "endpointTrustedCA": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "List of trusted CAs" }, "location": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpointLocation_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpointLocation_Filter", "description": "Endpoint physical location" }, "entityName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint entity name" }, "entityCreationTime": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint entity creation timestamp" }, "entityValidity": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Validity of endpoint entity after its creation" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Endpoint entity generic information" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "description": "Filter by the cloud computing endpoint's images values" }, "numberOfImages": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud endpoint's total image count" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud endpoint's templates values" }, "numberOfTemplates": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud endpoint's total template count" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site_Filter", "description": "Filter by the associated site" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "description": "Filter by the associated site cloud computing service" }, "serviceStatus": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceStatus_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceStatus_Filter", "description": "Filter by site service statuses (SiteServiceStatus@argo)" }, "serviceDowntimes": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceDowntime_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceDowntime_Filter", "description": "Filter by site service downtimes (SiteServiceStatus@gocdb)" }, "shares": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint shares" }, "numberOfShares": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint toal shares count" }, "managers": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Filter", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint managers" }, "numberOfManagers": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by site cloud computing endpoint total manager count" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Sort": { "type": "enum", "description": "", "enum": [ "id_asc", "id_desc" ] }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "totalCount": { "type": "integer" }, "count": { "type": "integer" }, "limit": { "type": "integer" }, "skip": { "type": "integer" }, "sort": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Sort" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Sort" }, "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImageContentType": { "type": "enum", "description": "", "enum": [ "vo", "va" ] }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "entityName": { "type": "string", "description": "Entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "type": "string", "description": "Timestamp describing when the entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "type": "integer", "description": "The duration after CreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant (GLUE2EntityValidity). After that period has elapsed, the information SHOULD NOT be considered relevant" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo). Free-form string, comma-separated tags, (name,value ) pair are all examples of valid syntax" }, "endpointID": { "type": "string", "description": "Image's endpoint global unique ID" }, "imageID": { "type": "string", "description": "Image global unique ID" }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Description of the image." }, "version": { "type": "string", "description": "Version of the image." }, "templateID": { "type": "string", "description": "Reference to this particular template to be used during instantiation of a VM via the Endpoint." }, "OSPlatform": { "type": "string", "description": "The platform architecture to which the OS belongs (ex. i386, x86_64)" }, "OSFamily": { "type": "string", "description": "The general family to which the OS belongs." }, "OSName": { "type": "string", "description": "The specific name of the OS." }, "OSVersion": { "type": "string", "description": "The version of the OS, as defined by the vendor." }, "minCPU": { "type": "integer", "description": "Minimum number of virtual CPU cores required to run the image (the actual number of cores will depend on the selected CloudComputeInstanceType)" }, "recommendedCPU": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of virtual CPU cores recommended to run the image (this is a recommended value, actual number of cores will depend on the selected CloudComputeInstanceType)" }, "minRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "Minimum virtual RAM memory required to run the image (the actual RAM value will depend on the selected CloudComputeInstanceType)" }, "recommendedRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "Virtual RAM memory recommended to run the image (this is a recommended value, the actual RAM value will depend on the selected CloudComputeInstanceType)" }, "diskSize": { "type": "integer", "description": "Size of the OS disk image in GB." }, "accessInfo": { "type": "string", "description": "Information about user access to the VM. Can be: credentials injected during contextualization, pre-defined username/password, pre-defined RSA key" }, "contextualizationName": { "type": "string", "description": "Supported contextualization mechanism (if any)" }, "installedsoftware": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Custom software installed on the instance." }, "marketPlaceURL": { "type": "string", "description": "Reference to one or more marketplaces which stores the metadata of this instance. Reference is the URL of the resource in the marketplace." }, "imageBaseMpUri": { "type": "string", "description": "AppDB marketplace URI referring the VM Image regardless of any VO" }, "imageContentType": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImageContentType", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImageContentType", "description": "VM Image source type, indicating if it is directly downloaded to site or through a VO image list" }, "imageVoVmiInstanceId": { "type": "integer", "description": "VO image list reference ID of the VM Image in AppDB" }, "imageVmiInstanceId": { "type": "integer", "description": "VM Image ID in AppDB" }, "imageVoVmiInstanceVO": { "type": "string", "description": "VO that this VM image is referenced in its image list" }, "imageAppDBVAppID": { "type": "integer", "description": "Virtual appliance ID in AppDB" }, "imageVAppName": { "type": "string", "description": "Virtual appliance name" }, "imageVAppCName": { "type": "string", "description": "Virtual appliance cannonical name" }, "managerForeignKey": { "type": "string" }, "managerName": { "type": "string" }, "endpointForeignKey": { "type": "string" }, "shareForeignKey": { "type": "string" }, "shareVO": { "type": "string", "description": "VO that the VM Image related share is referencing" }, "sharePolicy": { "type": "string", "description": "Policy of the related share" }, "shareProjectID": { "type": "string", "description": "Project ID of the related share" }, "shareProjectName": { "type": "string", "description": "Project name of the related share" }, "shareProjectDomainName": { "type": "string", "description": "Project domain name of the related share" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site", "description": "Site that the image belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService", "description": "Cloud computing service that the image belongs to" }, "endpoint": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint", "description": "Cloud computing endpoint that the image belongs to" }, "share": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare", "description": "Cloud computing share that the image belongs to" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "description": "Collection of cloud computing templates applicable to this image" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "entityName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image entity name" }, "entityCreationTime": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image entity creation timestamp" }, "entityValidity": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Validity of image entity after its creation" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Image entity generic information" }, "endpointID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image's endpoint's global unique ID" }, "imageID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image global unique ID" }, "description": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Description of the image" }, "version": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Version of the image" }, "templateID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Template reference to be used during instantiation of a VM via the endpoint" }, "OSPlatform": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image OS platform architecture" }, "OSFamily": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image OS general family" }, "OSName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image OS name" }, "OSVersion": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Image OS version" }, "minCPU": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Minimum number of virtual CPU cores" }, "recommendedCPU": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Recommended number of virtual CPU cores" }, "minRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Minimum virtual RAM memory" }, "recommendedRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Recommended virtual RAM memory" }, "diskSize": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Disk size of the OS disk image (GB)" }, "accessInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Information about user access to the VM" }, "contextualizationName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Supported contextualization mechanism (if any)" }, "installedsoftware": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Custom software installed on the instance" }, "marketPlaceURL": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "The URL of the image reference to one or more marketplaces" }, "imageBaseMpUri": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "AppDB marketplace URI referencing the VM Image regardless of any VO" }, "imageContentType": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImageContentType", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImageContentType", "description": "VM Image source type" }, "imageVoVmiInstanceId": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "VO list VM Image ID in AppDB" }, "imageVmiInstanceId": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "VM Image ID in AppDB" }, "imageVoVmiInstanceVO": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "VO referring this VM image" }, "imageAppDBVAppID": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Virtual appliance ID in AppDB" }, "imageVAppName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Virtual appliance name" }, "imageVAppCName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Virtual appliance canonical name" }, "managerForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators" }, "managerName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators" }, "endpointForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators" }, "shareForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators" }, "shareVO": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Related share VO" }, "sharePolicy": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Policy of the related share" }, "shareProjectid": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Project ID of the related share" }, "shareProjectName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Project name of the related share" }, "shareProjectDomainName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Project domain name of the related share" }, "hash": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site_Filter", "description": "Site that the image belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "description": "Cloud computing service that the image belongs to" }, "endpoint": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "description": "Cloud computing endpoint that the image belongs to" }, "share": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter", "description": "Cloud computing share that the image belongs to" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "description": "Collection of cloud computing templates applicable to this image" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Sort": { "type": "enum", "description": "", "enum": [ "id_asc", "id_desc" ] }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "totalCount": { "type": "integer" }, "count": { "type": "integer" }, "limit": { "type": "integer" }, "skip": { "type": "integer" }, "sort": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Sort" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Sort" }, "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "endpointPKey": { "type": "string", "description": "GocDB site endpoint primary key" }, "serviceID": { "type": "string", "description": "Service global unique ID (GLUE2ManagerServiceForeignKey)" }, "managerID": { "type": "string", "description": "Manager global unique ID (GLUE2ManagerID)" }, "cloudComputingServiceForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "GLUE2CloudComputingManagerCloudComputingServiceForeignKey" }, "entityName": { "type": "string", "description": "Entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "type": "string", "description": "Timestamp describing when the entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "type": "string", "description": "The duration after CreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant. After that period has elapsed, the information SHOULD NOT be considered relevant" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo). Free-form string, comma-separated tags, (name,value ) pair are all examples of valid syntax" }, "productName": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the software product adopted as manager" }, "productVersion": { "type": "string", "description": "Version of the software product adopted as manager" }, "hypervisorName": { "type": "string", "description": "Name of the underlying hypervisor that creates, runs and manages Virtual Machines" }, "hypervisorVersion": { "type": "string", "description": "Version of the hypervisor" }, "totalCPUs": { "type": "integer", "description": "The total number of physical CPUs cores accessible via any of the available Endpoints and managed by this Cloud Compute Manager. This value SHOULD represent the total installed capacity, i.e. including resources which are temporarily unavailable." }, "totalRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The total amount of RAM accessible via any of the available Endpoints and managed by this Cloud Compute Manager. This value SHOULD represent the total installed capacity, i.e. including resources which are temporarily unavailable." }, "instanceMaxCPU": { "type": "integer", "description": "The maximum number of Virtual CPU who can be assigned to a single VM. (with virtual CPU it is intended the CPU cores as seen by the VM OS)" }, "instanceMinCPU": { "type": "integer", "description": "The minimum number of Virtual CPU who can be assigned to a single VM (with virtual CPU it is intended the CPU cores as seen by the VM OS)" }, "instanceMaxRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The maximum value (in MB) of virtual RAM memory who can be assigned to a single VM (with virtual RAM memory it is intended the amount of RAM seen by the VM OS, not the phisical RAM dedicated to the VM)" }, "instanceMinRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The minimum value (in MB) of virtual RAM memory who can be assigned to a single VM (with virtual RAM memory it is intended the amount of RAM seen by the VM OS, not the phisical RAM dedicated to the VM)" }, "instanceMaxDedicatedRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The maximum value (in MB) of virtual RAM memory who can be dedicated to a VM (i.e. physical host memory, not shared of swapped)" }, "instanceMinDedicatedRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The minimum value (in MB) of virtual RAM memory who can is dedicated to a VM (i.e. physical host memory, notshared of swapped)" }, "networkVirtualizationType": { "type": "string", "description": "The type of network virtualization performed by the Cloud Computing Manager to segregate VMs VLANs (ex. none, vSwitch, ebtables, etc…)" }, "CPUVirtualizationType": { "type": "string", "description": "The type of CPU virtualization (ex. full/paravirtualization/hardware assisted)" }, "virtualdiskFormats": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "The format of virtual disk images supported (ex. qcow2, raw, vmdk)" }, "failover": { "type": "string", "description": "Failover is the automatic transition of the VM to a secondary machine or server upon failure of the primary component." }, "liveMigration": { "type": "boolean", "description": "If true the Cloud Computing Manager allows to move the virtual machine from one physical host to another without powering down the system" }, "VMBackupRestore": { "type": "boolean", "description": "If true the Cloud Computing Manager allows to backup and restore the virtual machines. This is a static value anddoes not ensure the availability of the storage for the backup" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site", "description": "Site that the image belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService", "description": "Associated cloud computing service" }, "endpoint": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint", "description": "Associated cloud computing endpoint" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "description": "Associated cloud computing templates" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "description": "Associated cloud computing images" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "endpointPKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "GocDB site endpoint primary key" }, "serviceID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Service global unique ID" }, "managerID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Manager global unique ID" }, "cloudComputingServiceForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Service foreign key ID to this entity" }, "entityName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Manager entity name" }, "entityCreationTime": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Manager entity creation timestamp" }, "entityValidity": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Validity of manager entity after its creation" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Manager entity generic information" }, "productName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Name of the software product adopted as manager" }, "productVersion": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Version of the software product adopted as manager" }, "hypervisorName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Name of the underlying hypervisor" }, "hypervisorVersion": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Version of the hypervisor" }, "totalCPUs": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "The total number of physical CPUs cores" }, "totalRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "The total amount of accessible RAM" }, "instanceMaxCPU": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Maximum number of Virtual CPU per VM" }, "instanceMinCPU": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Minimum number of Virtual CPU per VM" }, "instanceMaxRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Maximum value (in MB) of virtual RAM per VM" }, "instanceMinRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Minimum value (in MB) of virtual RAM per VM" }, "instanceMaxDedicatedRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Maximum value (in MB) of dedicated virtual RAM per VM" }, "instanceMinDedicatedRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Minimum value (in MB) of dedicated virtual RAM per VM" }, "networkVirtualizationType": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Network virtualization type" }, "CPUVirtualizationType": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "CPU virtualization" }, "virtualdiskFormats": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Virtual disk image supported format" }, "failover": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Failover to a secondary machine" }, "liveMigration": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Enabled live migration" }, "VMBackupRestore": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Allow to backup and restore the virtual machines" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site_Filter", "description": "Site that the manager belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "description": "Cloud computing service that the manager belongs to" }, "endpoint": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "description": "Associated cloud computing endpoint" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "description": "Associated cloud computing templates" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "description": "Associated cloud computing images" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Sort": { "type": "enum", "description": "", "enum": [ "id_asc", "id_desc" ] }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "totalCount": { "type": "integer" }, "count": { "type": "integer" }, "limit": { "type": "integer" }, "skip": { "type": "integer" }, "sort": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Sort" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager_Sort" }, "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService": { "type": "object", "description": "Represents a service provided by a Site in the information system\nServices may contain one or more VM image references and execution templates.", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Information System Identifier" }, "entityName": { "type": "string", "description": "Entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "type": "string", "description": "Timestamp describing when the entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "type": "integer", "description": "The duration after CreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant (GLUE2EntityValidity). After that period has elapsed, the information SHOULD NOT be considered relevant" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "type": "string", "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo). Free-form string, comma-separated tags, (name,value ) pair are all examples of valid syntax" }, "serviceID": { "type": "string", "description": "The service ID as given by glue2.1" }, "qualityLevel": { "type": "string", "description": "Maturity of the service in terms of quality of the software components" }, "statusInfo": { "type": "string", "description": "Web page providing additional information like monitoring aspects" }, "serviceType": { "type": "string", "description": "The type of service according to a namespace-based classification. Examples are org.openstack or org.opennebula" }, "serviceAdminDomainForeignKey": { "type": "string" }, "capabilities": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "The provided capability according to the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) architecture [OGF-GFD80] (this is the union of all values assigned to the capability attribute of the endpoints part of this service)" }, "complexity": { "type": "string", "description": "Human-readable summary description of the complexity in terms of the number of endpoint types, shares and resources. The syntax should be: endpointType=X,share=Y, resource=Z." }, "AUP": { "type": "string", "description": "Link to the service Acceptable User Policy (AUP) or Terms and Conditions for the usage of the service. This shall be in URL format." }, "haltedVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM in Halted state (VMs not running on the system with no resources reserved)" }, "runningVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM in Running state (VMs actively consuming the system resources)" }, "suspendedVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM in Suspended state (VMs not running but with reserved resources on the system)" }, "totalVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total number of VM known to the system (the sum of RunningVM, PendingVM, SuspendedVM and HaltedVM)" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site", "description": "The site this service belongs to" }, "serviceDowntimes": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceDowntime" }, "graphQLType": "SiteServiceDowntime", "description": "Registered downtimes in GocDB system regarding the current service" }, "serviceStatus": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceStatus", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceStatus", "description": "Operational status regarding the current service as reported by the argo.egi.eu service" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "description": "A collection of references to VM images the the current service provides" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "description": "A collection of templates the current service provides to be used for VM initialization" }, "shares": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection", "description": "A collection of shares the current service provides to be used for VM initialization" }, "managers": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager_Collection", "description": "A collection of managers the current service provides to be used for VM initialization" }, "endpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection", "description": "A collection of endpoints the current service provides to be used for VM initialization" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System Identifier" }, "entityName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Service entity name" }, "entityCreationTime": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Service entity creation timestamp" }, "entityValidity": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Validity of service entity after its creation" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Share entity generic information" }, "serviceID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Service global unique ID" }, "qualityLevel": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Quality level of the service software components" }, "statusInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Status information URL" }, "serviceType": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Namespace-based service type" }, "serviceAdminDomainForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators" }, "capabilities": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Provided OSGA capability" }, "complexity": { "type": "string", "description": "Service complexity" }, "AUP": { "type": "string", "description": "Acceptable User Policy URL" }, "haltedVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM in Halted state" }, "runningVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM in Running state" }, "suspendedVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM in Suspended state" }, "totalVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Total number of VM" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site_Filter", "description": "Filter by the site's values" }, "endpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "description": "Filter by the service's cloud computing endpoints" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "description": "Filter by the service's cloud computing images values" }, "numberOfImages": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by service's total cloud computing image count" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "description": "Filter by the service's cloud computing templates values" }, "numberOfTemplates": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by service's total cloud computing template count" }, "numberOfManagers": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by service's total cloud computing manager count" }, "numberOfShares": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Filter by service's total share count" }, "serviceStatuses": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceStatus_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceStatus_Filter", "description": "Filter by site service statuses (SiteServiceStatus@argo)" }, "serviceDowntimes": { "graphQLType": "SiteServiceDowntime_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteServiceDowntime_Filter", "description": "Filter by site service downtimes (SiteServiceStatus@gocdb)" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Sort": { "type": "enum", "description": "", "enum": [ "id_asc", "id_desc" ] }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Collection": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "totalCount": { "type": "integer" }, "count": { "type": "integer" }, "limit": { "type": "integer" }, "skip": { "type": "integer" }, "sort": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Sort" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Sort" }, "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "entityName": { "type": "string", "description": "Share entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "type": "string", "description": "Timestamp describing when the share entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "type": "integer", "description": "The duration after entityCreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant (GLUE2EntityValidity). After that period has elapsed, the information SHOULD NOT be considered relevant" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo). Free-form string, comma-separated tags, (name,value ) pair are all examples of valid syntax" }, "shareID": { "type": "string", "description": "Share global unique ID (GLUE2ShareID)" }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Description of this share (GLUE2ShareDescription)" }, "serviceForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Related cloud computing service global unique ID (GLUE2ShareServiceForeignKey)" }, "endpointForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Related cloud computing endpoint global unique ID (GLUE2ShareEndpointForeignKey)" }, "cloudComputingServiceForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Related cloud computing service global unique ID (GLUE2CloudComputingShareCloudComputingServiceForeignKey)" }, "cloudComputingendpointForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Related cloud computing endpoint global unique ID (GLUE2CloudComputingShareCloudComputingEndpointForeignKey)" }, "instanceMaxCPU": { "type": "integer", "description": "The maximum number of Virtual CPU who can be assigned to a single VM for the VM in this share. With virtual CPU it is intended the CPU seen by the VM OS, not the physical host CPU assigned to the VM. (GLUE2CloudComputingShareInstanceMaxCPU)" }, "instanceMaxRAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The maximum value (in MB) of virtual RAM memory who can be assigned to a single VM for the VM in this share. With virtual RAM memory it is intended the amount of RAM seen by the VM OS, not the physical RAM dedicated to the VM (GLUE2CloudComputingShareInstanceMaxRAM)" }, "SLA": { "type": "string", "description": "Service Level Agreement for the VMs under this share. This can be an URL to the SLA document or a keyword representing the SLA itself (eg. 99.99%availability, best effort, etc…) (GLUE2CloudComputingShareSLA)" }, "totalVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "Total number of VM known to this computing share (the sum of RunningVM, PendingVM, SuspendedVM, HaltedVM) (GLUE2CloudComputingShareTotalVM)" }, "runningVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM running into this computing share (GLUE2CloudComputingShareRunningVM)" }, "pendingVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM in Pending state (VM in preparation to be running on the system) (GLUE2CloudComputingSharePendingVM)" }, "suspendedVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM in suspended state (VMs not running but with reserved resources on this computing share) (GLUE2CloudComputingShareSuspendedVM)" }, "haltedVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The number of VM in Halted state (VMs not running on the system with no resources reserved on this computing share) (GLUE2CloudComputingShareHaltedVM)" }, "maxVM": { "type": "integer", "description": "The maximum number of VM instances that can run on this share (GLUE2CloudComputingShareMaxVM)" }, "networkInfo": { "type": "string", "description": "The type of internal network connection available among the managed Hosts. If many values are published then the various types of network MAY be available only within subsets of the Hosts; the Hosts properties SHOULD publish this information (GLUE2CloudComputingShareNetworkInfo)" }, "defaultNetworkType": { "type": "string", "description": "The default network type that will be setup for an instance (e.g. public, private, private_only…) (GLUE2CloudComputingShareDefaultNetworkType)" }, "publicNetworkName": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the public network if any (GLUE2CloudComputingSharePublicNetworkName)" }, "projectID": { "type": "string", "description": "The native identifier of the corresponding local project to be used for this share (e.g. used by API users to know what is the project_id for OpenStack) (GLUE2CloudComputingShareProjectID)" }, "projectName": { "type": "string", "description": "The native name of the corresponding local project to be used for this share (e.g. used by API users to know what is the project name for OpenStack)" }, "projectDomainName": { "type": "string", "description": "The native name of the corresponding domain project to be used for this share" }, "VO": { "type": "string", "description": "The VO this share reflects" }, "policy": { "type": "string", "description": "The policy applied in the cloud computing share" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site", "description": "The site this share belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService", "description": "The cloud computing service this share belongs to" }, "endpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Collection", "description": "A collection of cloud computing endpoints the current share is provided from" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "description": "A collection of images the current share has" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Collection", "description": "A collection of templates the current share has" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "entityName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Share entity name" }, "entityCreationTime": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Share entity creation timestamp" }, "entityValidity": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Validity of share entity after its creation" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Share entity generic information" }, "shareID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Share global unique ID" }, "description": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Description of this share" }, "serviceForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Related service global unique ID" }, "endpointForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Related endpoint global unique ID" }, "cloudComputingServiceForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Related cloud computing service global unique ID" }, "cloudComputingendpointForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Related cloud computing endpoint global unique ID" }, "instanceMaxCPU": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Maximum number of Virtual CPU per VM" }, "instanceMaxRAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Maximum value (in MB) of virtual RAM memory per VM" }, "SLA": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Service Level Agreement for the VMs" }, "totalVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Total number of VM" }, "runningVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM running" }, "pendingVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM in Pending state" }, "suspendedVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM in suspended state" }, "haltedVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of VM in Halted state" }, "maxVM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Maximum number of VM instances that can run" }, "networkInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Type of internal network connection available among the managed hosts" }, "defaultNetworkType": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Default network type that will be setup for an instance" }, "publicNetworkName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Name of the public network (if any)" }, "projectID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Native identifier of the corresponding local project to be used for this share" }, "projectName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Native name of the corresponding local project to be used for this share" }, "projectDomainName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Native name of the corresponding domain project to be used for this share" }, "VO": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "VO this share reflects" }, "policy": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Policy applied in the cloud computing share" }, "hash": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site_Filter", "description": "The site this share belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService_Filter", "description": "The cloud computing service this share belongs to" }, "endpoints": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint_Filter", "description": "A collection of cloud computing endpoints the current share is provided from" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Filter", "description": "A collection of images the current share has" }, "templates": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter", "description": "A collection of templates the current share has" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Sort": { "type": "enum", "description": "", "enum": [ "id_asc", "id_desc" ] }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Collection": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "totalCount": { "type": "integer" }, "count": { "type": "integer" }, "limit": { "type": "integer" }, "skip": { "type": "integer" }, "sort": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare_Sort" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare_Sort" }, "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare" }, "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate": { "type": "object", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "entityName": { "type": "string", "description": "Entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "type": "string", "description": "Timestamp describing when the entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "type": "integer", "description": "The duration after CreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant (GLUE2EntityValidity). After that period has elapsed, the information SHOULD NOT be considered relevant" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo). Free-form string, comma-separated tags, (name,value ) pair are all examples of valid syntax" }, "endpointPKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint primary key (GocDB pkey)" }, "endpointID": { "type": "string", "description": "Endpoint global unique ID (GLUE2EndpointID)" }, "resourceID": { "type": "string", "description": "Resource global unique ID (GLUE2ResourceID)" }, "templateID": { "type": "string", "description": "Template global unique ID (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeTemplateID)" }, "resourceManagerForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "Resource manager key in the infrastructure (GLUE2ResourceManagerForeignKey)" }, "marketplaceURL": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "Reference to one or more marketplaces which stores the metadata of this resource template. Reference is the URL of the resource in the marketplace (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeMarketplaceURL)." }, "RAM": { "type": "integer", "description": "Virtual RAM memory (MB) provided to the virtual machine (this is the total quantity of RAM the machine OS will see) (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeRAM)" }, "CPU": { "type": "integer", "description": "Number of virtual cores provided to the virtual machine (this is the number of core the machine OS will see) (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeCPU)" }, "networkIn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "True if direct inbound network connectivity is available to the OS, even if limited, e.g. by firewall rules. (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeNetworkIn)" }, "networkOut": { "type": "boolean", "description": "True if direct outbound network connectivity is available to the OS, even if limited, e.g. by firewall rules. (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeNetworkOut)" }, "networkInfo": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "The type of internal network connection available to the OS (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeNetworkInfo)." }, "ephemeralStorage": { "type": "integer", "description": "Amount of Ephemeral storage associated to the VM. This is temporary storage which is deleted after the VM closure and is represented as a new resource (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeEphemeralStorage)." }, "disk": { "type": "integer", "description": "Size of the disk associated to the OS image (GB). If this attribute is omitted, the OS disk size will be the one specified by the CloudComputingImage entity, otherwise the CloudComputingImage OS disk will be extended to this value (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeDisk)." }, "platform": { "type": "string", "description": "The platform architecture provided to the virtual machine (ex. i386, x86_64) (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypePlatform)" }, "networkPortsIn": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "The allowed inbound external connectivity ports (if not specified, all ports are allowed) (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeNetworkPortsIn)" }, "networkPortsOut": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "description": "The allowed outbound external connectivity ports (if not specified, all ports are allowed) (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeNetworkPortsOut)" }, "managerForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "The template's manager key (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeCloudComputingManagerForeignKey)" }, "endpointForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "The template's endpoint key (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeCloudComputingEndpointForeignKey)" }, "shareForeignKey": { "type": "string", "description": "The template's share key (GLUE2CloudComputingInstanceTypeCloudComputingShareForeignKey)" }, "serviceID": { "type": "string", "description": "Cloud computing service ID (GLUE2ServiceID)" }, "managerName": { "type": "string", "description": "The manager hypervisor name (GLUE2CloudComputingManagerHypervisorName)" }, "instanceTypeVO": { "type": "string", "description": "The VO name as defined by the user domain policy (GLUE2PolicyUserDomainForeignKey)" }, "shareVO": { "type": "string", "description": "The VO as defined in the cloud computing share from the user domain policy (GLUE2PolicyUserDomainForeignKey)" }, "sharePolicy": { "type": "string", "description": "The VO name as defined by the user domain policy (GLUE2PolicyUserDomainForeignKey)" }, "shareProjectID": { "type": "string", "description": "Project ID of the related share" }, "shareProjectName": { "type": "string", "description": "Project name of the related share" }, "shareProjectDomainName": { "type": "string", "description": "Project domain name of the related share" }, "hash": { "type": "string", "description": "Information system data hash value" }, "site": { "graphQLType": "Site", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Site", "description": "Site the template belongs to" }, "service": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingService", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingService", "description": "Associated cloud computing service" }, "share": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingShare", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingShare", "description": "Associated cloud computing share" }, "manager": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingManager", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingManager", "description": "Associated cloud computing manager" }, "endpoint": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingEndpoint", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingEndpoint", "description": "Associated cloud computing endpoint" }, "images": { "graphQLType": "SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingImage_Collection", "description": "Initializable cloud computing images using this template" } } }, "#/components/schemas/SiteCloudComputingTemplate_Filter": { "type": "object", "inputType": "filter", "description": "", "properties": { "id": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Local Information System identifier" }, "entityName": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Entity name (GLUE2EntityName)" }, "entityCreationTime": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Timestamp describing when the entity instance was generated (GLUE2EntityCreationTime)" }, "entityValidity": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "The duration after CreationTime that the information presented in the Entity SHOULD be considered relevant (GLUE2EntityValidity)" }, "entityOtherInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Placeholder to publish info that does not fit in any other attribute (GLUE2EntityOtherInfo)" }, "endpointPKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint primary key (gocdb pkey)" }, "endpointID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Endpoint global unique ID" }, "resourceID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Resource global unique ID" }, "templateID": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Template global unique ID" }, "resourceManagerForeignKey": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Resource manager key in the infrastructure" }, "marketplaceURL": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Marketplace URL with metadata of this resource template" }, "RAM": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Virtual RAM memory (MB) provided to the virtual machine" }, "CPU": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Number of virtual cores provided to the virtual machine" }, "networkIn": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Inbound network connectivity available to the OS" }, "networkOut": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Outbound network connectivity available to the OS" }, "networkInfo": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringArrayOperators", "description": "Type of internal network connection available to the OS" }, "ephemeralStorage": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Amount of Ephemeral storage associated to the VM" }, "disk": { "graphQLType": "FilterIntegerOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterIntegerOperators", "description": "Size of the disk (GB) associated to the OS image" }, "platform": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringOperators", "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterStringOperators", "description": "Platform architecture provided to the virtual machine" }, "networkPortsIn": { "graphQLType": "FilterStringArrayOperators", "$ref": 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